Practice Areas
Andreas Haak is Düsseldorf Managing Partner and Co-Head of the German Public Sector practice group in Germany.
Andreas advises clients on all issues of EU, public procurement and state aid law as well as trade compliance (export controls, sanctions). His practice also includes protecting clients’ rights before national and European courts, the European Commission and procurement review bodies. He has extensive project experience with public-private partnerships (PPP) and privatization projects. In addition, he advises clients on compliance issues. He has experience in project management and in-depth knowledge of the following sectors: Defense and Security, Energy and Utilities, Healthcare, High Technology and Communications, Public Sector/Infrastructure projects.
Andreas studied law and business administration. He worked in the European Parliament and for an international law firm in Brussels and Düsseldorf. Prior to assuming the role of Managing Partner of Dentons' Düsseldorf branch in January 2019, he was a partner at an international law firm in Düsseldorf (since 2003), for which he was local managing partner (2013 to 2015) and head of the practice area Competition, EU and Trade (2009 to 2013 and 2014 to 2018) and the industry group Life Sciences and Healthcare (2013 to 2014).
Andreas is a member of the Committee Europe of the Federal Bar Association and the Advisory Board of the European Doctorate for Law and Economics Program. He is one of the authors of a respected commentary to public procurement law; he regularly publishes articles in specialist journals and presents lectures on his main topics. Andreas is security checked according to the SÜG (Sicherheitsüberprüfungsgesetz “Security Screening Act”).
Managing Partner Düsseldorf, Dentons (since 2019), Head of Practice Area Competition, EU and Trade, Taylor Wessing (2009-2013, 2014-2018), Local Managing Partner Düsseldorf, Taylor Wessing (2013-2015), Partner, Taylor Wessing (2003-2018), Head of Healthcare industry group (2013-2014), European Parliament (2000-2003), International law firm (2001-2003)
Andreas is an author in a respected commentary to public procurement law; he regularly publishes articles in specialist journals and presents lectures.
Latest Articles:
Co-author, “Fostering Tech Sovereignty with a Level Playing Field on State Aid and Foreign Subsidies,” European State Aid Law Quarterly, 1/2022
Co-author, “Die Direktbeschaffung der “Luca”-App ist zulässig,” Verwaltung der Zukunft, September 2021
Co-author, “Verpflichtung zur Höchstmengenangabe in Rahmenvereinbarungen: Anmerkungen zum EuGH Urteil vom 17.6.2021 - C-23/20 - Simonsen & Weel,” MMR Heft 10/2021
“Die freiwillige ex-ante-Bekanntmachung,” Verwaltung der Zukunft, Februar 2021
Co-author, “Vergabe und Beschaffung in der Pandemie: Dringlichkeitsvergabe in Corona-Zeiten legitim (Teil 1) und Interimsvergabe und Rahmenvereinbarung nutzen (Teil 2),” Verwaltung der Zukunft, Juli 2020
Co-author, “Kuka war gestern – Neue Rahmenbedingungen für ausländische Direktinvestitionen in Deutschland”, Compliance Berater, September 2020
Co-author, “Export Compliance und Geheimschutz im Homeoffice – Worauf ist besonders zu achten?,” DWT-intern 2/2020
“Rahmenvereinbarungen – Keine Verpflichtung zur Angabe des Gesamtauftragswertes!,” Verwaltung der Zukunft, January 2020
Co-author, “Germany: corporate criminal liability on the trade compliance horizon,” WorldECR, December 2019
“Die Änderung der Vergabeunterlagen erzwingt den Verfahrensausschluss nicht mehr automatisch,” Verwaltung der Zukunft, December 2019
“Nationale Sicherheitsinteressen werden auf beiden Seiten des Atlantiks neu definiert – Mit Auswirkungen auf internationale Wertschöpfungs- und Lieferketten,” Verwaltung der Zukunft, October 2019
“Wesentliche Änderungen an den Vergabeunterlagen – Was gilt es hierbei zu beachten?,” Verwaltung der Zukunft, September 2019
Co-author, “Internationale Handelspolitik geprägt durch nationales Sicherheitsdenken,” Compliance Berater, part 1 in June 2019, pp. 184 and part 2 in July 2019, pp. 231
“Germany and the European Union expand scrutiny of foreign investment – Considerations for the energy sector,” Dentons Global Energy Blog, May 2019
“Dokumentation im Vergabeverfahren – Eine nicht zu unterschätzende Pflicht mit Vorteilen für beide Seiten,” Verwaltung der Zukunft, May 2019
“Die freiwillige ex-ante-Bekanntmachung – Attraktives Instrument, um Klarheit und Rechtssicherheit zu schaffen,” Verwaltung der Zukunft, April 2019
Co-author, “Der Schutz wesentlicher Sicherheitsinteressen prägt die wehrtechnische Wertschöpfungskette – Eine Tour d’horizon,” DWT-intern 2/2019