Latin America
Practice Areas
Advises national and international clients on local and foreign tax issues with a practical focus, assesses the tax implications of actual and potential transactions (including M&As), assists in the planning and implementation of tax structures, advises on tax disputes both at the administrative and judicial level.
Author of a book and several articles on Tax Law
Education: Universidad Central de Venezuela (Lawyer, 1996, Tax Law Specialist, 2001). University of Florida, Fredric G. Levin College of Law (LLM in International Taxation, 2009). Georgetown University (Foundations of American Law and Legal Education, 2009). Instituto de Estudios de Educación Superior, IESA (International Program of Management of the Hydrocarbons Business, 2019). Awarded the J. William Fulbright Scholarship, 2008.
From 2001 until 2010, lawyer and director at Deloitte.
From 2010 until 2023, partner at Tinoco, Travieso, Planchart & Núñez Abogados.
Joined MENPA – Mendoza, Palacios, Acedo, Borjas, Páez Pumar & Cía. as partner in 2023.
Professional Memberships
From 2011 until 2022, member of the Board of the Venezuelan Association of Tax Law (AVDT), as Secretary (2011 - 2014), Vice President (2015 - 2019), and President (2019 - 2021).
From 2018, Coordinator of the Specialization on International Tax Law, managed by the Venezuelan Association of Tax Law (AVDT) and Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB).
Currently, Member of the Tax Committee of the Venezuelan American Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Venamcham).
Languages: Spanish, English.