Suhail Nathani
Asia-Pacific Guide 2025
Eminent Practitioners : International Trade
Eminent Practitioners
Provided by Suhail Nathani
Practice Areas
Competition Law & Policy
Corporate & Commercial
Data Privacy
Family Offices & Trusts
International Trade & Customs
Labour & Employment
Government & Regulatory
Suhail is widely recognized as a leading lawyer in India. His work is across M&A, regulatory, securities law, trade and competition laws.
RSG India reports describe Suhail as an ‘exceptional lawyer and adviser who has a broad understanding of Indian business and the challenges faced by [foreign companies] investing in the country.’ He is also recommended for his ‘expertise and extremely practical advice’.
Suhail has successfully represented India in WTO disputes before the Panel and Appellate Body in Geneva and has been counsel to the Competition Commission of India (CCI), and Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI). He was also part of the CCI’s Working Group on Competition Policy, Advocacy and Advisory Functions and has been part of the ‘Law Firm Working Group’ formed by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs to give a final shape to the merger regulations of the country. Additionally, Suhail has worked with the Department for International Development (DFID – UK) to draft the competition and consumer laws in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. He has also served as part of the Charity Commissioner task force of the Government of Maharashtra which suggested overhaul of the Bombay Public Trusts Act.
Suhail is currently the Chairman of ASSOCHAM’S National Council on WTO Trade & Investment, chairs the EU Chambers of Commerce’s Legal Committee as well as the Law Committee of IMC Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He also serves on the boards listed companies in India and as a Trustee for a leading Mutual Fund in India. Additionally, Suhail serves on the board of Taxand (the world’s largest independent tax organization).
Suhail is an Honorary Adjunct Professor at the Jindal Global Law School in India, serves on the Apex Advisory Board at the Adani Institute of Infrastructure Law and serves on the boards of Somaiya Vidyavihar (a private University) and Salaam Bombay Foundation (one of India’s ten best NGO’s to work for).
Leading Lawyer
Elite Practitioner
AsiaLaw Profiles
Thought Leader for Trade and Customs
Highly Regarded Lawyer
The A list
India Business Law Journal
Chambers Review
Suhail Nathani is a managing partner of the practice from the Mumbai office and often represents the Indian government in WTO disputes, as well as private companies in anti-dumping investigations.
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